A letter from the Management of Ixinium

We get a lot of the same questions from investors and asset holders about the current situation, therefore we decided to answer those collectively.

Only a few years ago, the crypto market was going it’s own way, not correlating with the stock market. The crypto market was considered even a safe haven, when other assets such as traditional stocks were facing bearish times. Now, on the other hand, there seems to be a strong correlation between the crypto and stock markets.

The year 2022 so far has been a slow downhill, with a few exceptions of course. The Dow Jones index, for example, opened this year at 36,300 and is currently at around 31,300. Stellar Lumens was at the beginning of January 2022 at $0,30 and now it is trying to stay above $0,10. The market situation accompanied with the worlds geopolitical challenges that create a tsunami of uncertainty, have put many investors into a situation, where everybody is just waiting for somebody to do something.

Ixinium XXA’s year 2022 has been a bumpy ride. XXA was at $0,18 in the begining of January, but it fell below $0,06 in March. But then, in mid April our token was at $0,33 at its peak this year. What was the reason behind that bullride?

The price of our token is decided by the market – that is the buyers and the sellers of XXA. Like any other asset out there, a few key principles apply to XXA also. Supply and demand, the liquidity behind the asset and holding versus trading the token.

Whenever there are more buyers than sellers, the value of the token tends to go up and vice versa. When the demand exceeds the supply of the circulating tokens, the issuer can release more tokens into circulation. That creates revenue to the company, which is allocated as stated in our whitepaper:

35% goes to support the liquidity of XXA into the liquidity pool, 35% to physical precious metal purchases, max. 15% goes to marketing and the remaining to administrative expenses and salaries.

Ixinium XXA was created to be a unique digital asset, backed by physical precious metals, which is a safe haven for investors. But why aren’t there more people investing their wealth in it? We get two questions quite often that may provide an answer for the hesitance. Why is there not more physical precious metals backing the token, being the first question, and why is the value of the token not rising steadily, being the second one?

In order for the company to buy more precious metals, there needs to be revenue coming into the company. Like stated above, there needs to be more buyers than sellers, more demand than the current supply in the market to create that enviroment. The more people invest into our token, the more liquidity goes behind the token. That creates enventually a more stable situation, resulting in smaller price swings.

The traders don’t care if the value goes up or down. They take profit from price swings. The holders, ie. regular investors, seek long term profits.

Ixinium XXA has a bright future ahead. Now is the time for action. One good way to support the stability of the token, is to take part in the liquidity pool. When the liquidity behind the token is sufficient, Ixinium can allocate more incoming revenue towards physical precious metal purchases.

As conclusion, Ixinium XXA is a truly transparent business, that goes where the market drives it to. Which direction will you steer this ship?

Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 Released: What’s New, bitcoin-3741065_1920

Today marks the official release of Bitcoin Core 0.20.0, the 20th major release of Bitcoin’s original software client launched by Satoshi Nakamoto over 11 years ago.

Overseen by Bitcoin Core lead maintainer Wladimir van der Laan, this latest major release was developed by over 100 contributors in a span of about six months. The result of more than 500 merged pull requests, Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 mostly cleans up and hardens the Bitcoin Core codebase, advances hardware wallet integration, improves network reliability and includes several other improvements.

Here are some of the more notable changes.

Further Hardware Wallet Integration in GUI
Bitcoin Core has been compatible with hardware wallets since version 0.18.0. However, users cannot yet make transactions with a hardware wallet from Bitcoin Core’s graphical user interface (GUI); they must instead use the command-line interface (CLI) to do that.

Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 is taking a step toward hardware wallet integration into the GUI. Users can now create a transaction without a signature in the Bitcoin Core GUI using the partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT) format, and copy it to their clipboard. Once copied, they can transfer the transaction to their hardware wallet to sign it — however, this transfer is not yet automated, and broadcasting the transaction still requires using the CLI.

Future Bitcoin Core releases will continue to advance hardware wallet integration.

Asmap for More Reliable Network Connectivity
Bitcoin Core connects to several peers (other Bitcoin nodes) on the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin Core maps other nodes based on their IP addresses, with the intent to establish connections with peers from various regions and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). If a node receives blocks and transactions from peers located all around the world, it decreases the risk that certain data (like a specific transaction) is withheld.

Bitcoin Core currently maps IP addresses by Network Operators’ Groups. However, several of these groups are actually part of the same Autonomous System (AS): clusters of Network Operators’ Groups that share key internet routes, and therefore potentially share the same routing bottlenecks where data could potentially be filtered.

Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 includes a new configuration option called Asmap, which maps IP addresses by Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). This ensures that the node connects with peers from a range of different ASs, reducing potential network bottlenecks, thus further limiting the risk that specific data is withheld. (Mapping IP addresses into Network Operators’ Groups remains the default configuration for now, however.)

Removal of BIP61 Reject Messages
Reject Messages (BIP61) are notifications that a node returns when a transaction it received from a peer is rejected, and why. (Perhaps because the transaction is invalid, perhaps because it is considered not to include sufficient fee, perhaps there is another reason for the rejection.)

Bitcoin Core developers do not consider the reject messages very useful, however. Most importantly, peers shouldn’t be assumed to reliably return a Reject Message. In other words, if a node doesn’t receive a Reject Message, it doesn’t necessarily mean the transaction was accepted. This limits the usefulness of the messages, while there are better solutions to check that a transaction is valid and includes enough fees. Meanwhile, the messages were making the peer-to-peer protocol more complex, and were taking up bandwidth.

BIP61 Reject Messages had therefore already been disabled by default in Bitcoin Core 0.18.0. Bitcoin 0.20.0 has now removed the feature completely.

Removal of the BIP70 Payment Protocol (and OpenSSL)
The Payment Protocol (BIP 70) was designed several years ago to improve Bitcoin’s payment experience. A user and a merchant could communicate additional details about a payment, such as a human-readable destination address (the name of the merchant) and a refund address in case something went wrong with the purchase.

While Bitcoin Core integrated the Payment Protocol, the standard was never widely adopted. Instead, most wallets still use the more basic URI scheme (BIP21): The clickable link or scannable QR-code format that, for example, communicates the payment address and amount.

Perhaps more importantly than the lack of adoption, the BIP70 Payment Protocol suffered a number of security and privacy vulnerabilities over the years. Most notably, its dependency on the OpenSSL software library for cryptographic functions required a series of short notice emergency upgrades. Some Bitcoin wallets have, for these reasons, rejected implementing BIP70 altogether.

Bitcoin Core 0.19.0 removed the Payment Protocol from the GUI, but users could still compile their node with a special configuration to make use of the feature. Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 has now completely removed the Payment Protocol.

With BIP70 gone (and some other software tweaks to remove the dependency), Bitcoin Core has also been able to completely remove OpenSSL from its codecase.

Dumptxoutset As a First Step Toward Assumeutxo for Fast Bootstrapping
A new remote procedure call (RPC) lets Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 generate a snapshot of the UTXO set, which reflects the state of Bitcoin ownership as recorded on the blockchain at a specific point in time (block height). This snapshot can be shared.

Future Bitcoin Core releases will share such a snapshot when peers first join the network. This allows the new nodes to immediately start participating on the network from the point in time when the snapshot was made, while the entire history of the blockchain is checked in the background. (Like Assumevalid, a similar shortcut, Assumeutxo does come with trust tradeoffs before the entire blockchain is checked, and should until then be used with these tradeoffs in mind.)

The Digital Regulator, depositphotos_24105187-stock-photo-european-union-law

Since 2018, several EU member states have developed and implemented more or less comprehensive regulations and regulatory frameworks for crypto-assets and cryptofinance, with the most prominent examples being France, Germany, and Malta. Since around the same time, the call for an EU-wide crypto-asset regulation has grown louder. The European Commission (EC) is now poised to issue the EU framework for markets in crypto-assets before the end of the year.

So far, the EU did not provide its single financial services market a regulation addressing crypto-assets and cryptofinance. The situation is now changing.

For the crypto-asset regulatory framework, Ixinium welcomes all regulation changes and demands. We run already under the European Union financial market regulatory framework being a financial licensed company.

Read whole research here: https://www.seba.swiss/research/which-crypto-asset-regulation-for-european-union

New ixinium.io web site, download|new_web

  • Better content
  • New video
  • More partners and
  • Much more to come!

How to earn interest from Ixinium XXA liquidity pools by using LOBSTR app.

1. Go to the StellarX page https://www.stellarx.com and select CONNECT WALLET

2. Select WalletConnect login option

3. The Scan QR code pop-up will now appear. Next, you need to scan the displayed QR code from your LOBSTR application to connect StellarX with your wallet on LOBSTR.

4. Open the LOBSTR app on your mobile device.

If you do not yet use LOBSTR you can get the app from either the Apple or Google Play stores:

● Download on the App Store (link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lobstr-stellar-wallet/id1404357892)
● Grab it on Google Play (Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lobstr.client?

Once you have the LOBSTR app, you will need to either sign up or log in to your LOBSTR account. If you’re a new user to LOBSTR you can create a new Stellar Wallet or connecting one you already use to your account.

5. Navigate to the menu ≡ icon in the top left corner, click Settings, then choose WalletConnect from the menu.

6. Click the + button in the top right or the New Connection button to open up the camera and scan the QR code given to you by StellarX.

7. Confirm the connection in LOBSTR app

You will now see a Cancel/Confirm notification on the LOBSTR app. If you press Cancel the session will be canceled. If you press Confirm then StellarX will log in with your Stellar Wallet from LOBSTR.

You are now logged with your Stellar Wallet from the LOBSTR app. From here you can now use StellarX the same way as any other log in option. Every time you make an action in your wallet, like making a payment or creating an offer, you will now be asked to confirm the transaction in the LOBSTR app.

By confirming the transaction in LOBSTR app, you sign this transaction using the secret key of your Stellar Wallet from the LOBSTR app. This means your private key stays safely in your LOBSTR app, without the need for it to be put directly into StellarX.

8. Add XXAs to the Stellar liquidity pool. Go to the AMM->Liquidity

9. Go to the ADD LIQUIDITY

10. Select XXA to the first token and XLM to the second token. Choose the amount of the XXA you want to put into the XXA/XLM liquidity pool and the needed XLM amount will come automatically.


You can choose the amount of the XLM you want to put into the XXA/XLM liquidity pool and the needed XXA amount will come automatically.

11. Go to the ADD LIQUIDITY

12. Confirm and sign the transaction on your LOBSTR app.

After the successful confirmation, you have successfully participated XXA liquidity pool.

There are many different XXA pools with different interest ratios and more liquidity pools coming. We hope you enjoy this new and interesting way of using Ixinium XXA.

Bloomberg’s New Commodity Outlook is Bullish on Bitcoin, bc

This report is in stark contrast to Goldman Sach’s recent take on Bitcoin when the company noted in an investor presentation that it is not a suitable investment at all. Goldman went so far as to say that Bitcoin and other cryptos lack scarcity, cash flow, and are not a hedge against inflation.

Bloomberg’s report could not have been more opposite. The report said that: “Among the few assets up in this tumultuous year, gold and Bitcoin are building foundations for further price appreciation, in our view.”

Bloomberg explained that, “It’s logical to expect gold to outperform most assets in an environment of unparalleled central-bank easing, and we foresee the precious metal maintaining the upper hand in most scenarios.” Here, Bloomberg cites economic easing from central banks as a good reason to use gold as a hedge.

Bitcoin has many similarities to gold, most notably its scarcity. Commodities that have scarcity have historically been very useful as a hedge against inflation and economic easing. So, for the same reasons Bloomberg has a positive outlook for gold, it has hopes of a bright 2020 for Bitcoin as well.

Goldman, on the other hand, states that Bitcoin does not have scarcity as forks of Bitcoins code create more of Bitcoin. While this is an interesting point of view, it seems misinformed as forks of Bitcoin’s blockchain are now entirely their own systems with different methods for scalability and different coins that are not to be confused with Bitcoin.

Bloomberg also stated in its report that “The metal and the crypto remain our top candidates to advance in 2020, with added rally fuel from Covid-19.”

Bloomberg continued this sentiment and even mentioned that Bitcoin is a “resting bull.” The report makes that case for both gold and Bitcoin as a tool against inflation, but also as assets that will appreciate, should the stock market “rollover.”

Bloomberg said that in order for Bitcoin to stop appreciating, it would need some sort of significant event to destroy confidence in the integrity of its protocol. One scenario that could seriously weaken investor confidence would be a double-spend attack. This is a scenario where one entity controls the majority of the network (51% or more) and can, therefore, take control of it and spend the same Bitcoin more than once. Given Bitcoin’s enormous and growing computing power, this seems highly unlikely as the cost to achieve this is not insignificant.

After the publication of Bloomberg’s commodity outlook report, Bloomberg Intelligence’s Senior Commodity Strategist, Mick McGlone, reaffirmed the stance with a tweet:

“In the unlikely event of a significant change for the worst, we expect the #Bitcoin price to continue appreciating. Unprecedented central-bank easing is accelerating Bitcoin maturation toward a digital version of gold while accentuating oversupply constraints in most of the mkt.”

McGlone also said before the report in May that “Covid-19 is hastening the shift away from paper money and stimulating plenty of QE, which is helping independent stores-of-value such as #gold and Bitcoin.”

Bitcoin Polarizes Wall Street
Bitcoin’s current outlook is a polarizing subject among the financial institutions of the world. Banks that do not allow for Bitcoin and crypto-related transactions include some of the world’s largest like Bank of America (BAC), Chase (JPM), and Wells Fargo (WFC). Ironically, Goldman Sachs (GS) has its own altcoin trading desk and allows for these transactions even though it has denounced Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.

Opinions on Bitcoin’s future value seem to be to both extremes, with some saying it holds no real value and others, like Bloomberg, asserting that it will appreciate. This highlights the two camps of thought regarding cryptocurrency.

Since Bitcoin’s beginning, it has often been deemed as worthless or some sort of scam. Warren Buffet famously said that Bitcoin was “probably rat poison squared” and that it was “a mirage, basically.”

While Bitcoin has been portrayed as a scam or worthless by members of the finance industry, the media has also declared its failure many times over the years. One site that compiles all of the times Bitcoin has been declared dead by the media lists out 380 instances, with the latest instance being March 4th, 2020.

Still, Bitcoin continues forward and has seemingly turned the opinions of some in the finance industry towards the bullish side, with companies like Bloomberg expecting appreciation and other new companies founded by industry insiders like Bakkt, and Grayscale, rising out of a new industry dedicated to cryptocurrency.

August 2020, the Ixinium Foundation has launched a program to purchase Ixinium XXA cryptocurrency collateral reserves for precious metals., Precious-Metal-Trading_image_w600_h300

The Ixinium XXA cryptocurrency will henceforth have a physical precious-metal-based collateral value base. The Ixinium Foundation’s precious metals purchase program is ongoing and will increase the collateral base of the Ixinium XXA cryptocurrency regularly through additional purchases. We publish a purchase report for each precious metal purchase on the Ixinium website. The funds used by the Ixinium Foundation for the purchase of precious metals come from the issuance (sale) of the Ixinium XXA cryptocurrency and the volume-based commission structure income of cryptocurrency exchange services.

For the purchase of physical precious metals and their storage service, the Ixinium Foundation uses a German, very well-known and award-winning family business that has been operating in the industry for a long time. Purchased precious metals are stored by the international Brinks and Prosegur, some of the world’s largest precious metals storage companies. The Ixinium Foundation’s precious metal purchases focus on four different physical precious metals; gold, silver, platinum and palladium. The precious metals purchased by the Ixinium Foundation are manufactured by the internationally acclaimed Heraeus Group, which is more than 160 years old.

The precious metals managed by the Ixinium Foundation are 100% insured at full value with no cap at Lloyds of London on behalf of the precious metals storage companies Brinks and Prosegur.

The Ixinium Foundation uses only physical precious metals in its purchases. The Ixinium Foundation does not use or manage futures or ETF-based electronic precious metals trading contracts due to their high risk, as well as inadequate or non-existent insurance coverage.

Office is testing news section, Student_collaboration_blog-1080×675-1-930×620-1

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Ixinium (XXA) Trading Competition Round 2, probit_logo

Event Duration: 27 Jul 2020 (Monday), 15:00 KST – 9 Aug 2020 (Sunday) 23:00 KST

Prize Pool: 200,000 XXA

Special Prizes for all Participants!

  • Special Prize is divided equally among all the eligible participants.
  • Eligible Special Prize Winners must have a minimum XXA trading volume of 150,000 USDT within the event duration.
  • *Special Prize Pool is computed as 5% of the average of the top 3 trading volumes on the leaderboard, capped at a maximum of 100,000 XXA worth.


Shopify Accept Crypto Payments Now!, business-candle-

Shopify – Canadian e-commerce giant, which offer to easy create own online shop will accept crypto payments because it has signed a contract with the company that offers crypto payment processor – CoinPayments

crypto wallet
Shopify is entering more and more into the world of crypto and blockchain. In February, the company joined the long-awaited association, created by Facebook founder Marek Zuckenberg – Libra. Earlier, Shopify also used Blockchain’s potency to get rid of illegal and counterfeit products from its supply chain.

Shopify-CoinPayments alliance will increase cryptocurrencies adoption
The Shopiy-ConPayments partnership was finally announced after a beta trial launched last year and which was a success. The alliance aims at a wider adoption of cryptographic payments.

Customers who want to pay by crypto will be able to do so at all merchants who will use the Shopify platform. Buyers will be able to use more than 1800 cryptocurrencies integrated with CoinPayments.

Merchants will receive payments faster and will also be able to accept foreign payments without banks ingeration.

Will cryptocurrencies payments become the new standard?
The CoinPayments platform is easy to integrate and use. Thanks to cooperation with Shopify, the company hopes to expand its presence on the global market. According to the project’s CEO, Jason Butcher, the company hopes to speed up cryptocurrencies adoption in the normal world.

Butcher said the beta tests, which began in 2019, included a thorough check of performance, interoperability and compatibility was checked with all Shopify customers. All security features have also been checked to ensure there will be no dangerous leaks.

Butcher claims that this alliance will be groundbreaking and unrivalled in the payments world.

Several other e-commerce companies and payment giants have also entered the global cryptographic world. Companies have already been set up to offer innovative crypto credit cards and crypto invoicing. The industry is currently undergoing revolutions, and the adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is becoming increasingly common.

Stellar Development Foundation Head Speaks, mkarco-Stellar-Lumens-3-1000×600|stellar SDF CEO

Stellar is made for payments and asset issuance. It was created for developers and connects financial systems so they can work together on a single platform.

Stellar is an open, decentralized, fast, scalable, and uniquely sustainable network for financial products and services. The total number of accounts is approximately 4.5 million and over the course of Q2, the number of total payments from those accounts grew almost 40%. The average daily volume on Stellar’s Decentralized Exchange saw sizable growth, an increase of over 70% from last quarter. 

Read the whole interview:

Coca-Cola Distributor Offers Bitcoin Payment Options for Aussie Vending Machines, coke-710×458-1

More than 2,000 vending machines in Australia and New Zealand will let customers buy a Coke with bitcoin.

Coca-Cola Amatil, the Asia-Pacific bottling giant, has partnered with digital assets platform Centrapay to integrate bitcoin as a payment option from its vending machines across Australia and New Zealand.

This means over 2,000 smart vending machines now accept cryptocurrency.

The machines running the bitcoin transactions are owned by Coca-Cola Amatil, a regional bottler and distributor of Coca-Cola products. While the Atlanta-based soft drink producer is a major shareholder in the distributor, the two are separate companies.

Transactions are conducted via New Zealand-based Centrapay and Sylo Smart Wallet, which currently has about 250,000 users. Newcomers can download the Sylo app on their smartphones, add bitcoin to their wallets and scan a QR code to purchase Amatil products.

Sylo co-founder and business manager Dorian Johannink said the digital wallet can typically store, send and receive cryptocurrencies including bitcoin and ERC20-compatible tokens like its own SYLO listed on Hong Kong exchange KuCoin.

“But for the Coke scenario, it’s just supported for bitcoin initially for the trial run, but we may extend the functionality,” Johannink said.

Buying a Coke with bitcoin sounds catchy, but the cryptocurrency has notoriously limited scalability, processing an average of 1 megabyte worth of transactions every 10 minutes, after which bitcoin miners prioritize transactions with higher fees. 

But Sylo’s main focus is not on bitcoin as a payment form, but on the vision of connecting crypto to the real world and using the architecture of this trial to roll out digital assets as payment tools more broadly. Centrapay announced the partnership on Twitter Monday, echoing Sylo in claiming it was the “first step toward mainstream digital transactions.” The future, as Sylo envisions it, will allow customers to purchase a digital asset in the real world, perhaps a Coke token, and use it to purchase products. 

Sylo has moved quickly in the last few months, going from adding bitcoin to its wallet back in March and listing its token on KuCoin, to a real-world trial run in crypto transactions. According to Centrapay CEO Jerome Faury, the initiative has already demonstrated it can work in Australia and New Zealand, and will be “targeting the U.S. market next with some world-first innovations.”

Johannink said Faury has already established connections in the United States and there are plans to move things quickly, but the regional partnership is still in its nascent stages.

Sylo is determined.   

[CoinMarketCap] Re: Trade volume and market cap, CMC answer

After several emails included screenshots and links to prove Ixinium XXA’s market position, daily volume on the Stellar network, and exchanges, we finally got an answer for the https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ixinium/ issue of the wrong daily volume, missing market cap, and circulation supply.

Above is the screenshot of their answer, which shows their level of interest for us after swiping off the market cap, and circulation supply several months ago. We can’t complain, at least after several complaints, we finally got the answer to our latest complaint.

As they answered: “If the information checks out, they may process an update” . Even though every provided information is correct, proofed and all the links provided and explained, they may fix something or not, never know…

About us

It all started with a goal

to offer low-cost and instantaneous mobile payment transfers across the world in a decentralized global marketplace. We saw how standard bank transfers could take several days at expensive transaction costs, causing large inconvenience for customers. We saw these deficiencies, so set out on a mission perform transactions in just a few seconds – at only a fraction of a percent. 

IXINIUMŸ XXA is powered by Stellar network, one of the fastest and inexpensive crypto payment networks that exist today. In the current digital currency landscape where countries local currencies are highly uncertain, the use of XXA provides a substantial advantage. 

As well, using XXA is not limited only to mobile transfers platforms. Physical asset holding backed by XXA’s is owned by the Ixinium Foundation where precious metals which are 100% insured for replacement value with no limits via the foundation’s vault account partner.

XXA cryptocurrency is a better value for your money than traditional spot gold or other electronic safe haven assets. That’s because the convergence between traditional asset management and the digital asset class drastically different, for example, where traditional currencies are secured by cryptocurrency assets. Cryptocurrencies are also traded around 24/7 in everyday exchanges around the world.

ISO 20022 and ISO 20022-Compliant Cryptocurrencies

Read more: ISO 20022 and ISO 20022-Compliant Cryptocurrencies – Business

Precious Metals purchase report 24.08.2021

On the 24th of August 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 128.0 grams of Gold. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 24/08/2021 at 11:01:11

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 24th of August 2021, 11,115 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.17
IXAT minted amount= 11,115 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 34,262 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 27.08.2021

On the 27th of August 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 12,150.0000 grams of Silver. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 27/08/2021 at 12:30:07

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 27th of August 2021, 11,174 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1762
IXAT minted amount= 11,174 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 45,436 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 06.09.2021

On the 6th of September 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 312.0000 grams of Platinum. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 06/09/2021 at 11:33:21

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Platinum 312.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 6th of September 2021, 11,269 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1862
IXAT minted amount= 11,269 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 56,705 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 07.09.2021

On the 7th of September 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 125.0000 grams of Palladium. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 07/09/2021 at 14:40:19

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Palladium 125.000 g
Platinum 312.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 7th of September 2021, 11,269 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1862
IXAT minted amount= 11,269 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 67,974 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 07.09.2021

On the 7th of September 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 125.0000 grams of Palladium. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 07/09/2021 at 14:40:19

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Palladium 125.000 g
Platinum 312.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 7th of September 2021, 11,269 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1862
IXAT minted amount= 11,269 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 67,974 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 06.09.2021

On the 6th of September 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 312.0000 grams of Platinum. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 06/09/2021 at 11:33:21

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Platinum 312.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 6th of September 2021, 11,269 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1862
IXAT minted amount= 11,269 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 56,705 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 27.08.2021

On the 27th of August 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 12,150.0000 grams of Silver. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 27/08/2021 at 12:30:07

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g
Silver 12,150.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 27th of August 2021, 11,174 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.1762
IXAT minted amount= 11,174 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 45,436 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert

Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

Precious Metals purchase report 24.08.2021

On the 24th of August 2021, the Ixinium Foundation has purchased 128.0 grams of Gold. The latest Ixinium Foundation portfolio allocation report:

Customer No. 143026
compiled on 24/08/2021 at 11:01:11

Securities account No: UK-2312178-R
Gold 76.1543 g
Palladium 31.3636 g
Platinum 77.4516 g
Silver 5,046.7478 g

Securities account No: UK-232877-E
Gold 268.0000 g

Ixinium Asset Token (IXAT)
On the 24th of August 2021, 11,115 IXAT tokens have been minted. IXAT is a Stellar blockchain-based
Ixinium Asset Token. When Ixinium Foundation purchases Precious Metals, the same USD amount of
IXAT tokens will be minted.

Precious Metals purchase (EUR) = 9,500.00
EUR-USD exchange rate= $1.17
IXAT minted amount= 11,115 IXAT
IXAT total supply= 34,262 IXAT

Asset code: IXAT

Stellar network explorer: https://stellar.expert


Ixinium Foundation
A3, Bel Etang,
Hermitage Mont Fleuri,
Mahé Seychelles
Reg.No 000882

XXA/LTC pair exchange listing!, business-candle-stick-graph-chart-stock-market-investment-trading-blue-background_62391-74

Deserunt velit commodo exercitation officia qui nulla aliqua sunt. Ad do sunt Lorem esse qui voluptate exercitation Lorem cillum fugiat nisi dolore. Deserunt pariatur reprehenderit cupidatat id ad cillum exercitation exercitation sunt cupidatat velit. Amet aute labore fugiat irure non duis ex ea. Sit fugiat dolor excepteur quis exercitation adipisicing nulla occaecat sit irure veniam consectetur eu. Labore fugiat Lorem est fugiat ullamco. Ipsum eu sunt do dolore aliquip proident nisi nulla.

Laboris ea id labore ut eu deserunt est sint consequat Lorem consectetur velit. Ad sit ullamco labore qui do aliqua. Id do consectetur aliquip labore pariatur nulla. Fugiat cupidatat esse sunt et anim laborum laborum deserunt elit. Anim tempor fugiat labore laborum deserunt ipsum sint officia duis consectetur id consequat.

Ad cillum labore labore magna commodo voluptate ullamco adipisicing ipsum eiusmod exercitation anim magna excepteur. Labore incididunt ullamco nostrud exercitation aute ad non aliquip commodo ex eu ullamco esse ipsum. Qui do proident laboris id voluptate elit qui ea incididunt. Occaecat ea veniam exercitation proident sunt. Ipsum veniam quis occaecat adipisicing duis. Velit ea voluptate velit duis cillum. Mollit sint reprehenderit pariatur cupidatat.

Non amet non ad incididunt aliquip sunt. Laboris ullamco pariatur sunt consectetur sit commodo Lorem voluptate. Qui nostrud officia sit fugiat enim elit irure velit magna enim do duis proident aute.

Pariatur excepteur labore elit veniam. Est mollit non aliqua veniam. Qui esse magna quis irure nisi qui adipisicing commodo enim. Occaecat ut labore tempor tempor ut consectetur cupidatat. Et consectetur proident officia sunt elit.

The biggest monthly liquidity support from the company and our partners for the XXA, image

Introduction of the Ixinium Financial Ecosystem, the Ixinium Foundation

In this series, we will go through the operation, the functional basis, the technical implementation and present a clearer picture of the components of the Ixinium ecosystem and their coherence.

Introduction of the IXINIUM FOUNDATION

The Foundation is operative under The Seychelles Foundations Act
Founder: Baltic Representative Office 0Ü, Financial License FFA000389
Financial License Regulator: FIU, under the legislation of the European Union.

What makes the Ixinium Foundation so unique is the Foundation Charter, where is pointed out the rules and regulations of the Foundation.

As the Foundation is established to hold and protect the physical precious metals as assets against the Force Majeure for the Ixinium XXA, we made the Foundation Charter more bulletproof than any bank in the world can offer. Here’s how (direct copy from the Ixinium Foundation Charter):

  • Upon the endowment of the Initial Foundation Assets to the Foundation, the Initial Foundation Assets shall become the sole property of the Foundation. They shall cease to be the property of the Founder.
  • It is difficult to claim any assets back if you are not an owner of the assets.
  • Upon any future endowment of assets to the Foundation (subsequent to the endowment of the Initial Foundation Assets), such assets shall become the sole property of the Foundation and shall cease to be the property of the Founder or any other person who endowed such assets to the Foundation.
  • What goes into the Foundation stays into the Foundation.
  • The Foundation Assets (including any part thereof) shall
    not become the property of a Beneficiary unless actually distributed to that Beneficiary in accordance with this Charter or the Regulations.
    -Every Foundation has a Beneficiary, who has either some access to the assets or get’s provisions from the interest of the assets etc. To eliminate this (what nobody else hasn’t ever done, at least what we know), we pointed out the Beneficiary and their rights as a Beneficiary.


  • The Foundation is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Foundation Assets.
  • We made the Foundation to be the owner and the Beneficiary of the Foundation assets.
  • A Beneficiary has no ownership interest of any nature in the Foundation or the Foundation’s assets and is not a creditor of the Foundation.
  • By eliminating all the Beneficiary’s rights, we just made the bulletproof asset protection even more safe and sound.
  • Foundation Assets (including any part thereof) shall not become the property of a Beneficiary unless actually distributed to such Beneficiary in accordance with this Charter or the Regulations.
  • And added an extra protection layer to it, just in case.
  • The purported assignment, transfer, charge, or other encumbrance of a Beneficiary’s existing or prospective interest under the Foundation is null and void.
  • To make sure that what comes in stays in, we made sure that there are no laws in the world to make any claims against the Foundation assets.
  • Any Beneficiary who attempts to assign, transfer, charge, or otherwise encumber their interest under the Foundation shall forfeit the same.
  • If somebody even tries to “touch” the Foundation assets for some reason, that will be an epic fail.

Then what if the worst nightmare scenario is coming true, and for some odd reason, Ixinium has to shut down?

If there Is no surviving Founder (the company), divided equally among the Beneficiaries under the estate of the last surviving Founder.
-The only real beneficiaries are the Ixinium XXA owners as the Ixinium XXA is the company’s asset, which has been sold onto the market.

Introduction of the Ixinium Financial Ecosystem, the Ixinium Foundation

In this series, we will go through the operation, the functional basis, the technical implementation and present a clearer picture of the components of the Ixinium ecosystem and their coherence.

Introduction of the IXINIUM FOUNDATION

The Foundation is operative under The Seychelles Foundations Act
Founder: Baltic Representative Office 0Ü, Financial License FFA000389
Financial License Regulator: FIU, under the legislation of the European Union.

What makes the Ixinium Foundation so unique is the Foundation Charter, where is pointed out the rules and regulations of the Foundation. As the Foundation is established to hold and protect the physical precious metals as assets against the Force Majeure for the Ixinium XXA, we made the Foundation Charter more bulletproof than any bank in the world can offer. Here’s how (direct copy from the Ixinium Foundation Charter):

  • Upon the endowment of the Initial Foundation Assets to the Foundation, the Initial Foundation Assets shall become the sole property of the Foundation. They shall cease to be the property of the Founder.
  • Upon any future endowment of assets to the Foundation (subsequent to the endowment of the Initial Foundation Assets), such assets shall become the sole property of the Foundation and shall cease to be the property of the Founder or any other person who endowed such assets to the Foundation.
  • The Foundation Assets (including any part thereof) shall not become the property of a Beneficiary unless actually distributed to that Beneficiary in accordance with this Charter or the Regulations.

Every Foundation has a Beneficiary, who has either some access to the assets or gets provisions from the interest of the assets etc. To eliminate this, we pointed out the Beneficiary and their rights as a Beneficiary.


  • The Foundation is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Foundation Assets.
  • A Beneficiary has no ownership interest of any nature in the Foundation or the Foundation’s assets and is not a creditor of the Foundation.
  • Foundation Assets (including any part thereof) shall not become the property of a Beneficiary unless actually distributed to such Beneficiary in accordance with this Charter or the Regulations.
  • The purported assignment, transfer, charge, or other encumbrance of a Beneficiary’s existing or prospective interest under the Foundation is null and void.
  • Any Beneficiary who attempts to assign, transfer, charge, or otherwise encumber their interest under the Foundation shall forfeit the same.

By eliminating all the Beneficiary’s rights, we just made the bulletproof asset protection even more safe and sound.

Then what if the worst nightmare scenario is coming true, and for some odd reason, Ixinium has to shut down, or XXA token has to remove completely from the market?

  • If there Is no surviving Founder (the company), divided equally among the Beneficiaries under the estate of the last surviving Founder.

The only real beneficiaries are the Ixinium XXA owners as the Ixinium XXA is the company’s asset, which has been sold onto the market.

PR Newswire Ixinium press release

Baltic Representative Office – Ixinium
Sep 08, 2021, 10:00 ET


PR Newswire Ixinium press release

Baltic Representative Office – Ixinium
Sep 08, 2021, 10:00 ET


Ripple’s XRP & Stellar Lumens is the only crypto that is part of ISO 20022 and can work with CBDC’s – Report

Good news for Ixinium XXA!




Goldman Warns the Dollar’s Grip on Global Markets Might Be Over, bl-482020

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. put a spotlight on the suddenly growing concern over inflation in the U.S. by issuing a bold warning Tuesday that the dollar is in danger of losing its status as the world’s reserve currency.


Today, Ixinium XXA is the Nro#1 on the whole Stellar network



Ixinium XXA burning schedule

The company has decided to make a massive Ixinium XXA burning. The purpose of the XXA burning is to lower down the maximum Ixinium XXA token supply and increase the physical precious metals packing per one Stellar network Ixinium XXA.

The total amount of the Ixinium XXA what the company will burn is 270,000,000 XXA. The total USD value of the burning process will be +$60,000,000 at the current Ixinium XXA USD rate 1 XXA = $0.2233. This burning process starts in Q4/2021 and lasts until the end of 2022. Ixinium XXA burning includes several transactions, where XXA’s will be transferred to the issuer account, Stellar address: GC4HS4CQCZULIOTGLLPGRAAMSBDLFRR6Y7HCUQG66LNQDISXKIXXADIM.

The current Ixinium XXA supply is 539,857,392 XXA. As the issuer account is locked, any more XXA can not be mint. The total supply after the Ixinium XXA burning process will be less than 270,000,000 XXA.

All the Ixinium XXA burns will have a public report with the blockchain transaction verification.

Ixinium XXA Market Cap update, CMC splash_600x315_1|CMC-Stellar|XXA-CMC

Today 9th of September 2020, CoinMarketCap has updated XXA’s market cap.

We have made a good market entry footprint as passing two Stellar network pioneers, Smartlands [SLT] and Stronghold [SHX] in market cap and in volume(24h). At the same time Ixinium XXA market pairs rise to the overall lead on Stellarterm exchange https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/stellar-decentralized-exchange/.

XXA’s buyback program, buyback

Ixinium XXA buyback program is in the beta-testing phase. Currently, it’s active from Monday to Friday, while during the weekends we check the data logs and order setting functionality.

Buyback is fully automated, using a market buy order to buy a certain amount of XXA from the lowest market sell order position available. There’s no locked-price for buy order function. Whatever the XXA/XLM current lowest market sell order is, automation uses that XXA/XLM pair price to buyback order.

XXA’s from the buyback program stays in at the account, which is part of Ixinium’s digital portfolio account. Buyback XXA’s won’t return back to the market circulation. This is our way to support the XXA’s market price.

Ethereum XXA and the CertiK.org audit

The Ixinium team has applied CertiK auditing for the Ethereum XXA code couple of weeks ago.
Auditing with vulnerability report and preliminary comments are now made. There are a couple of things to be modified/updated, so The Code is back in the coder’s workshop to be developed in the way described on the CertiK audit report.

After the modification, The Code will be sent back to the CertiK for a new audit.
Ixinium XXA liquidity pool/-s for the Ethereum network is scheduled to launch on the UniSwap V3 only after the CertiK audit report shows that The Code is OK.

Token positions itself for security as the only one in the world with force majeure protection backup

Cointelegraph market news:


Real Time Economic Calendar provided by Investing.com.

Samsung adds Stellar support to millions of Galaxy devices, Stel-Sams

The Stellar Development Foundation announced today that Samsung has added support for the Stellar cryptocurrency to its Samsung Blockchain Keystore, making it available to blockchain apps on recent Galaxy mobile devices. To make storage of Stellar lumens and other Stellar-based assets safer, SatoshiPay will utilize the Samsung Blockchain Keystore in its Solar wallet and its upcoming SatoshiPay B2B mobile app.

Read the whole story:

Ixinium XXA forecast by Walletinvestor, 22-07-2021
